Thursday, October 18, 2007

All The World's A Stage: Shakespeare's Speeches (Audiobooks)

All The World's A Stage: Shakespeare's Speeches
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All The World's A Stage: Shakespeare's Speeches

Author : William Shakespeare
Performed By : Various
Publisher : BBC Audiobooks Ltd
Runtime : 20 minutes
Categories : Shakespeare
Classic Literature
Our Price : $9.75

Romeo & Juliet - Act I, Scene III
"O Romeo, Romeo - wherefore art thou Romeo". This impassioned speech is beautifully spoken by Fay Compton in this BBC Sound archives recording. 

Hamlet - Act III, Scene I
'To be or not to be - that is the question….' In this BBC Sound Archive recording, Michael Redgrave stars as Shakespeare's troubled Prince of Denmark.

Henry V - Act IV, Scene III
'This day is called the feast of Crispian….' In one of the most famous and inspirational of Shakespeare's speeches, Richard Burton's rich and resonant voice delivers Henry V's address to his army on the eve of Agincourt!

King Lear - Act II, Scene IV
'I prithee, daughter, do not make me mad…' Alec Guinness's performance as King Lear stirs the listener in this recording from the BBC Sound Archives.

Macbeth - Act I, Scene VII
'If it were done when 'tis done…' From the BBC Sound Archives, one of Shakespeare's most famous and memorable speeches, with Paul Scofield and Peggy Ashcroft as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, bringing these ominous words vividly to life.

Macbeth - Act II, Scene II
'Is this a dagger which I see before me…..' With Denis Quilley as Macbeth, this recording from the BBC Sound Archives brings Shakespeare's memorable words to life..

Richard III - Act I, Scene I
'Now is the winter of our discontent….' Ian Holm delivers King Richard IIIs soliloquy, bringing Shakespeare's wonderful lines, full of pyschological insight, vividly to life.

The Merchant Of Venice - Act IV, Scene I
'The quality of mercy is not strained….' In this recording from the BBC Sound Archives, Hannah Gordon is Shakespeare's wise Portia.

Victor R. Naive Jr. from cagayan de Oro City 9000 - 24 Jul 2007
Great Model
Agnes P. Ladia, ed.D. from Tarlac City, Tarlac - 09 Sep 2007
I find the material very authentic especially for second language learners who wish to capture the "speech" of the native speakers.

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