Friday, October 19, 2007

Barchester Towers (Audio book)

Barchester Towers
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Barchester Towers

Author : Anthony Trollope
Performed By : Simon Vance
Publisher : Blackstone Audio Inc
Runtime : 19 hours
Categories : Classic Literature
Our Price : $36.95

"In the writing of Barchester Towers I took great delight. The Bishop and Miss Proudie were very real to me, as were also the troubles of the archdeacon and the loves of Mr. Slope."--Anthony Trollope

This magnificent novel, sequel to The Warden and second in the Chronicles of Barsetshire, satirizes the struggle for ascendancy among the clergy of a cathedral city. The contest is between the outgoing church authorities led by Archdeacon Grantly and the newcomers led by Mrs. Proudie and her protg, the ambitious Mr. Obadiah Slope. Each wishes to become the dominant voice in the quiet diocese of Barchester, and they contend for the newly vacant post of warden of Hiram's Hospital.

The truth is that Barchester's leadership is really concerned with social rather than spiritual or moral issues. These intrigues, entwined through the lives of many memorable characters, provide a humorous backdrop for exploring the clash between the old and new ways in Victorian England.

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