Classic American Poetry
Author : Various
Performed By : Full Cast Production
Publisher : Select Music & Distribution
Runtime : 2 hours 30 minutes
Categories : Poetry
Classic Literature
Our Price : $11.99
Poetry, Whitman believed, is the voice of the nation, expressing its deepest converns, ambitions and longings, and that is certainly true of the great classic poetry of America. This wide-ranging anthology - from the earliest poets of the 16th century to the present day - reflects the changing preoccupations and visions of Americans.
Here are 65 poems by the leading classic figures, including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings, as well as popular anonymous works such as Frankie and Johnny which are an integral part of American consciousness.
DELISA: DErivative LIfe SApien
Author : K. Anderson Yancy
Performed By : Various
Publisher : Wollcott & Sheridan Aural Performance Library
Runtime : 1 hour 9 minutes
Categories : Dramatizations
Our Price : $9.95
When the U.S. Supreme Court determines the fate of genetically engineered beings - whether they're humans or animals - humanity learns that the law is truly a double edged sword.
"Delisa" provides a first glimpse of a problem that does not yet exist, but one day will. we infuse plants with animal DNA, animals with plant DNA. When we start doing it to humans, what are they ? Do they remain humans ? Do they become something else ? More ? equal ? Superior ?
What is humanity ? How is it defined ?
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