Friday, August 14, 2009

Books in mp3

Dante: Inferno, from The Divine Comedy

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Dante: Inferno, from The Divine Comedy

Author : Dante

Performed By : Heathcote Williams

Publisher : Select Music & Distribution

Runtime : 4 hours 10 minutes

Categories : Poetry

Our Price : $18.75


Abandon All Hope You Who Enter Here

(Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch'intrate)

Dante's Hell is one of the most remarkable visions in Western literature. An allegory for his and future ages, it is, at the same time, an account of terrifying realism. Passing under a lintel emblazoned with these frightening words, the poet is lead down into the depths by Virgil and shown those doomed to suffer eternal torment for vices exhibited and sins committed on earth.

The Inferno is the first part of the long journey which continues through redemption to revelation - through Purgatory and Paradise - and, in this translation prepared especially for audiobook, his images are as vivid as when the poem was first written in the early years of the 14th century.

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Author : Emile Zola
Performed By : Frederick Davidson
Publisher : Blackstone Audio Inc
Runtime : 17 hours 30 minutes
Categories : Classic Literature
Our Price : $33.95

"Few readers of audiobooks can match Frederick Davidson's remarkable skill.he's equal
to the task, rendering this complex, yet worthwhile, novel accessible to all listeners."--AudioFile

With flawless construction and impeccable detail, Zola chronicles the conflicts, lusts, and deprivation of life
in the coal fields of nineteenth-century France. A father and three of seven children work brutal hours, facing
hazards such as landslides, fire, and poisoned air, to scrape together enough money for food. When their
lodger, tienne, shares ideas of a workers' revolt, the family gradually embraces his plans. Soon the
settlement is aflame with resolve to strike for better wages and working conditions. Savage and horrifying
events ensue as miners clash with management and with each other.

Published in 1885, Germinal helped establish Emile Zola--an artist of unsparing candor--as the leading
figure in the French school of naturalistic fiction. Andr Gide chose this masterpiece as one of the ten best
novels in the French language.

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