Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Part II, The
Author : Edward Gibbon
Performed By : Philip Madoc with Neville Jason
Publisher : Select Music & Distribution
Runtime : 7 hours 45 minutes
Categories : Classic Literature
Our Price : $27.25
Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire occupies an immortal place in the pantheon of historical masterpieces. This six-disc recording covers the final three volumes of Gibbon's work, tracing ten centuries in the life of the eastern half of the empire, whose capital city was Constantinople. Among the many figures who stride across Gibbon's stage here are the emperor Justinian I, a noble statesman and successful warrior, brought low by his lascivious wife, the former prostitute Theodora; the murdering Basil I, a peasant who nonetheless proved himself a worthy figure upon which to drape the purple; and the final emperor of all, Constantine XI, who died on the battlements of Constantinople in 1453, valiantly fighting a losing battle to prevent the Turks from gaining a city they had craved for centuries. It is still the work that sets the standard for all histories of the period.
Just a Little Fiddle
Author : Dennis Rookard
Performed By : Full Cast Production
Publisher : Hosiprog
Runtime : 30 minutes
Categories : Humor
Our Price : $1.00
Ever since that long gone age of railways - Whenever that was - Stations have needed porters. That special breed of men who during those long periods between trains, can find endless tasks to perform along the platforms.
Yet can, with the appearance of a train and it's passengers, vanish. Only reappearing if the smell of a large tip is in the air.
Burt Pride is just such a man, and Burt, a long time servant of the railway, knows that every job has it's little fiddles and is not above making them work to his advantage.
Cast List:
Burt Pride... Peter Seaman
Jim Prentice... John Lawrence
Sarah... Angela Neville
Nigel Bridger... Peter Mayn
Fred... Keith Flack
Gary Stranks... Scott Peters
Claire... Rose Butcher
Rev Linda Cartwright... Rita Mayn
Policeman... Tony Hine
Produced & Directed by John Glasscock
Audio Direction and Realisation by Dennis Rookard
With grateful thanks to First Great Eastern for location facilities, Brentwood Talking Newspaper for studio use, and to John Glasscock for additional dialogue.
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