As You Like It
Author : William Shakespeare
Performed By : Full Cast Performance
Publisher : BBC Audiobooks Ltd
Runtime : 2 hours
Categories : Dramatizations
Classic Literature
Our Price : $13.49
Helena Bonham Carter stars as Rosalind with David Morrissey as Orlando and Natasha Little as Celia in Shakespeare's festive comedy.
BBC radio has a unique heritage when it comes to Shakespeare. Since 1923. when the newly formed company broadcast its first full-length play, generations of actors and producers have honed and perfected the craft of making Shakespeare to be heard.
The trees and shrubs resonate with declarations of love and confessions of assumed identity in this exciting new production, where the intimacy of radio brilliantly recreates the closed-off, magical world of the Forest of Arden.
The play is introduced by Richard Eyre.
Revitalised, original and comprehensive, this is Shakespeare for the new millennium.
Chronicles of Narnia, The: The Silver Chair
Author : C. S. Lewis
Performed By : Jeremy Northam
Publisher : Harper Collins US
Runtime : 6 hours
Categories : Over 10s
Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Magic
Classic Literature
Our Price : $27.50 $19.95
Deep underground, a web of evil magic holds a prince in captivity.
Narnia ... where owls speak, where evil weaves a spell ... where sorcery enslaves the land.
Narnia is in peril, and only Eustace and Jill can help. Along with Puddleglum, a gloomy but valiant Marsh-wiggle, they are sent by the mighty lion Aslan to find Prince Rilian, heir to the throne. Their quest leads them past hungry people-eating Giants, and deep into the dark underground. But the true test for this noble band of friends comes when they face an evil witch and her deadly enchantments.
Narnia ... where owls speak, where evil weaves a spell ... where sorcery enslaves the land.
Narnia is in peril, and only Eustace and Jill can help. Along with Puddleglum, a gloomy but valiant Marsh-wiggle, they are sent by the mighty lion Aslan to find Prince Rilian, heir to the throne. Their quest leads them past hungry people-eating Giants, and deep into the dark underground. But the true test for this noble band of friends comes when they face an evil witch and her deadly enchantments.
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