Child's Christmas In Wales, A
Author : Dylan Thomas
Performed By : Dylan Thomas
Publisher : Harper Collins US
Runtime : 45 minutes
Categories : Poetry
Our Price : $14.95 $9.95
First recorded in February of 1952, this remastered recording of Dylan Thomas reading his A Child's Christmas in Wales recalls all of the sights, smells, and sounds of a long-ago-Christmas.
Thomas's wonderful recollection of this holiday in the seaside town of his youth is captured in this vivid performance. Also included are five other selected poems read by Dylan Thomas, including his well-known Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.
Whether sharing his wistful memory of a holiday spent with people long past, or addressing the perennial problem of our mortality, Thomas gives us great pleasure in our personal and common memories while affirming life with a resounding "Yes!"
A Child's Christmas in Wales
And five poems: Fern Hill; Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night; In The White Giant's Thigh; Balad of the Long-Legged Bait; Ceremony After a Fire Raid
Ebon Storms - Music Soundtrack
Author : Edward Hauser & Scott J. L. Spear
Performed By : Edward Hauser & Scott J. L. Spear
Publisher : Last Summer Productions
Runtime : 2 hours 16 minutes
Categories : Music Related
Our Price : $4.00
This 2 hour and 16 minute sound track from the high fantasy audio drama Ebon Storms contains 53 audio tracks. The original music was written and performed by Edward Hauser and Scott J. L. Spear. The soundtrack makes a great addition to any RPG game setting.
Detailed Listing:
01 | Ebon Storms Main Title Theme | 1:21 |
02 | Zenekar's March | 2:05 |
03 | Guild Tower | 1:40 |
04 | Ritual of Summoning | 6:14 |
05 | Refracted Visions | 1:24 |
06 | The Epic Battle | 2:01 |
07 | Valeria's Ultimate Sacrifice | 1:25 |
08 | The Unraveling of Time | 1:12 |
09 | Shasgorath | 3:30 |
10 | Suspicious Faith | 1:59 |
11 | Questioning Illuma | 2:28 |
12 | Allandra's Mission | 6:06 |
13 | Midday in the Deep | 1:01 |
14 | Bregnor | 0:53 |
15 | Elrad's Vision | 2:08 |
16 | Allandra Reflects in Bregnor | 1:58 |
17 | Hag Attack | 4:11 |
18 | Cilegna's Apperance | 1:48 |
19 | Attack At The Keep | 7:25 |
20 | Farsha's Charge | 6:05 |
21 | Thangar and Trellyn | 4:42 |
22 | Farsha Remembered | 1:18 |
23 | The Temple of the Mind | 0:59 |
24 | Farsha's Funeral | 2:59 |
25 | Charn's Escape | 1:47 |
26 | The Fugitive Galana | 0:23 |
27 | The Dark Communion | 4:23 |
28 | Storm Clouds | 0:35 |
29 | Gareth the Gray | 0:51 |
30 | With Little Relief | 0:25 |
31 | The Skull Chamber | 3:49 |
32 | A Facade of Calm | 0:59 |
33 | The Red Robes Attack | 3:49 |
34 | Caulder's Final Lesson | 4:17 |
35 | Cilegna's Descent | 0:43 |
36 | The Shadow Shall Reign | 2:03 |
37 | Cilegna's Dark Speech | 1:42 |
38 | Chaos at the Pier | 2:14 |
39 | The Children of the Light | 3:40 |
40 | The Traitor Revealed | 0:59 |
41 | The Burning of Shasgorath | 6:51 |
42 | Age of Darkness | 2:05 |
43 | Illuma's Rage | 2:21 |
44 | Burdened With Guilt | 2:09 |
45 | Cilegna's Arrogance | 0:44 |
46 | Working Together | 3:07 |
47 | Punishment | 1:35 |
48 | Bound By The Past | 2:54 |
49 | Ebon Storms End Title | 1:51 |
50 | Illuma's Light | 2:46 |
51 | Ebon Rock | 1:45 |
52 | A World Filled With Magic | 6:42 |
53 | Main Title - Rain & Thunder | 1:52 |
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