Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A
Author : Mark Twain
Performed By : Stuart Langton
Publisher : Blackstone Audio Inc
Runtime : 11 hours
Categories : Classic Literature
Our Price : $23.95
An ingenious Yankee mechanic, knocked unconscious in a fight, awakens to find himself at
Camelot in A.D. 528. Imprisoned by Sir Kay the Seneschal and exhibited before the knights of the Round
Table, he is condemned to death but saves himself by posing as a magician like Merlin, correctly predicting
an eclipse, and becoming minister to King Arthur. He increases his power by applying nineteenth-century
knowledge of gunpowder, electricity, and industrial methods. However, when he attempts to better the
condition of the peasantry he meets opposition from the church, the knights, Merlin, and the sorceress
Morgan le Fay.
Day of the Triffids, The
Author : John Wyndham
Performed By : Various
Publisher : BBC Audiobooks Ltd
Runtime : 2 hours 50 minutes
Categories : Dramatizations
Classic Literature
Horror & Suspense
Our Price : $22.25
Bill Masen wakes in his hospital bed, eyes bandaged. Something is wrong, it's unusually quiet and no one has come to his room. When he removes his bandages he finds a world that has changed utterly. Most of the population are completely blind — only those who didn't watch the night sky can still see.
And as law and order break down, a new menace appears — triffids, walking carnivorous plants that can kill a human with their lethal sting. For Bill and the other survivors, it's now a battle to stay alive.
Gary Watson stars as Bill, with Barbara Shelley as Josella in these six stirring episodes Also amongst the cast are Peter Sallis, Marjorie Westbury (Steve in the Paul Temple radio series) and some names familiar to Doctor Who aficionados: Peter Pratt, Christopher Bidmead and David Brierley .
First published in 1951, John Wyndham's novel became his best-known work and a classic of 20th Century fiction.
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