Friday, August 7, 2009

Audio book in mp3

Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar

Author : William Shakespeare

Performed By : Full Cast Production

Publisher : Harper Collins US

Runtime : 2 hours 15 minutes

Categories : Shakespeare

Our Price : $25.00 $12.95


In Julius Caesar, there are no heroes, only heroic words spoken by men of ambition, arrogance, and jealousy. Yet Julius Caesar is also one of Shakespeare's most popular and polished works, a seamless blend of highly-stylized oratory and penetrating soliloquies that lays bare the innermost workings of the human mind. Here is Shakespeare in his prime, taking the story of history's most notorious assassination and fashioning from it a brilliant and at times chilling indictment of politics by violence and of how even the strongest and noblest of minds can be corrupted by flattery and the lure of power.

Essential Dylan Thomas, The
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Essential Dylan Thomas, The

Author : Dylan Thomas
Performed By : Full Cast Performance
Publisher : Select Music & Distribution
Runtime : 5 hours
Categories : Classic Literature
Short Stories
Our Price : $18.75
This unique combination of historical and new recordings celebrates Dylan Thomas as poet, writer and performer. Here are some of his greatest poems, stories and broadcasts: readings given by Thomas himself in the 1940s and 1950s as well as new recordings by leading Welsh actors of our own time. Under Milk Wood is Thomas's undisputed masterpiece, an unforgettable, affectionate portrait of a small Welsh town. Written for radio, its intimate blend of poetry and drama made it an instant classic; and so it remains in this unmatched recording with a perfect cast led by Richard Burton. But here, also, are two fascinating earlier radio programmes, Return Journey to Swansea and Quite Early One Morning, written and performed by Thomas, which show the past that led to Under Milk Wood.

The last two CDs contain new recordings of a selection of stories (including Memories of Christmas and A Visit to Grandpa's) and poems in which contemporary performance offers an interesting contrast to the 'authentic' voice of Thomas himself.
essential but with one cut
Kurt Yount from La Habra - 19 Mar 2007
I cannot believe that Do not go gentle into that good night was cut, the last verse, but otherwise it was a great collection and an interesting idea. They almost redeemed themselves because it was read later, but I still couldn't believe it. However it is a worthwhile collection with much that he was known for. Kurt

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